How many days are in a month?
This is how many days the different months have.
30 days have September,
April, June, and November:
All the rest have 31,
Except February,
Which has 28 days clear,
And 29 in each leap year.
Number of days in a month:
- January has 31 days
- February has 28 days (29 days in leap years)
- March has 31 days
- April has 30 days
- May has 31 days
- June has 30 days
- July has 31 days
- August has 31 days
- September has 30 days
- Oktober has 31 days
- November has 30 days
- December has 31 days
Why leap year and why there is an extra day
The length of a solar year is about 365,25 days. To compensate for this every fourth year has one extra day.
- Ordinary year has 365 days.
- Every fourth year it's a leap year which has 366 days. Next leap year?
The extra day is always added to February. This is why February has 28 or 29 days.