Week number
What is this weeks number?
How does week numbers work?
It can be a little confusing with week numbers because it can differ a bit according to in which part of the world your from.
When is week number 1? (ISO)
- If January 1 falls on Monday – Thursday, then the week of January 1 is Week 1.
- If January 1 falls on a Friday – Sunday, then January 1 is considered to be part of the last week of the previous year and Week 1 will begin on the first Monday after January 1.
The highest week number in a year is either 52 or 53.
First day of the week
In most countries they use the ISO standard and first day of the week is always a Monday and Sunday the last.
– EU and most of other European countries, most of Asia and Oceania:
ISO-8601 / week starts with Monday
– Canada, United States, Iceland, Portugal, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau, Israel, Egypt, South Africa, the Philippines, and most of Latin America:
Western traditional / week starts with Sunday
– Much of the Middle East:
Middle Eastern / week starts with Saturday
Number of weeks in a year
What about full date today? / Date two weeks from now?
Read more about week numbers on Wikipedia: